Zinn Labs DK1 Available Soon
The Zinn Labs DK1 Gaze-enabled Eyewear Platform is a development kit equipped with a binocular event-based gaze-tracking system and outward-facing world camera and is powered by Zinn Labs’ 3D gaze estimation algorithms. The DK1 is equipped with Prophesee GenX320 event-based Metavision® sensors, the smallest event-based sensors on the market.
“Frame-based acquisition techniques don’t meet the speed, low latency, size and power requirements of AR/MR wearables and headsets that are practical to use and provide a realistic user experience. Our GenX320 was developed specifically with these real-time and processing efficiency needs in mind, delivering the advantages of event-based vision to a wide range of products, such as those that will be enabled by Zinn Labs’ breakthrough AR/MR platform,” said Luca Verre, CEO and co-founder of Prophesee.
The DK1 supports sub-1°, slippage-robust gaze tracking accuracy and runs at 120 Hz with 10 ms end-to-end latency. The development kit comes with demo applications, such as the wearable AI assistant featured here, and can be used for performance evaluation or customer proof-of-concept integration projects.